Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wall E

Eve and I finally got out of the garbage chute and continued our search for the plant. It took us some time to get it but the "Auto" caused many problems. He tilted the ship to one side making all the people on the ship slide over to the side. Auto closed the pod where the plant was to be placed but Wall E stopped it from closing and unfortuantely got stuck and injured. The captain was later able to get up and shut down Auto so he was able to control the ship again. The plant was placed in the pod and the ship was tilted back to its original angle. The captain set the route for Earth and within a few minutes we were back on Earth. I was not functioning but Eve tried to help me. I eventually got my memory back and was normal again. All the people were happy to be back on Earth. Eve and I lived a happy life on Earth. : )

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wall E

So Eve is back to normal! She is functioning normally again. Today, she gave the captain a plant that she had gotten on Earth. I followed her for quite some time today until i accidentally shot a laser that blasted a machine so all the robots under diagnostic were free. She took me and flew away to some place because we were being chased by the security robots. We eventually made it to a room from where I almost got shipped out to Earth. The mini ship self exploded but luckily i made it out. I gave Eve the plant which made her really happy.When we got back and gave the captain the plant, he decided to go back to earth. This did not work out too well since the other robots zapped Eve and I, then threw us down a garbage chute.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wall E

Today, I showed Eve around the city but unfortuantely she is not functioning properly anymore. A spaceship came and picked her up later on so I held on to it and followed her through space until we fianlly arrived Axiom. It was very difficult to get across some areas but I eventually made it. This ship is amazing! The people are living a very luxurious life here and have no work to do. I followed Eve into a room where the ships captain was.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wall E

I had a great experience today. I met another robot named "Eve" who landed in a spaceship. She has quite a few amazing capabilites including the abilitly to fly and to shoot objects. I rescued her from a sandstorm that was approaching and took her inside my home. I showed her many things including a rubix cube and an egg beater that I had lying around.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wall E

Hello, my name is Wali and I am a robot from planet Earth. I live in the year 2085 where most of the humans are gone to a Starliner in space. I find new and interesting things everyday that humans have left behind. I clean up garbage and turn it into small cubes from which I have built many skyscrapers.